Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God, will come to know God because they know you. 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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dating Divas

Something has been driving me crazy lately. There is this new site out (or new to me anyway) where women can get wonderful dating advice from these lovely ladies. The website is called "dating divas"
Listen, I understand these ladies mean well, but most of these ideas are not helpful to me in any way shape or form. I think some things on how to improve your looks, health, how to treat your husband, etc. those are great! But these elaborate, colorful, punny, dating ideas...My husband would stand back and smile and nod to be sweet...But inside, he would hate it.
Men like to be romanced. But not in the same way women do! If I were to put together a

Rapunzel themed date

Roaring 20s date

Twilight date night

or something to that effect? My husband would be dying inside...
I was looking over some of the ideas on the site and thought to myself "oh, how cute!". But then I thought I would ask Nate what he thought of them...Nate is the most sensitive, loving, kind, gentle guy on the planet. He's romantic, genuine, and all around awesome. But he's also very honest. He looked at these dating ideas and said to me straight out "honey, please dont do these things for me, I would hate it, and so would most men."
It occured to me that most of these ideas are actually FOR the women, NOT the men.
I think if you are trying to improve your marriage, that is so great!
But you give to each other, not to yourself.
I think that the ideal "date night" for a typical man would be coming home to his favorite meal, his wife in lingere, and watch his favorite movie together. He doesn't care about little colorful pieces of paper. Or the balloons. Or the punny little poems.And he doesn't want to come home to colorful rainbowbrite rapunzel night. Its expensive, its annoying to men. He cares about the effort you put forth. But, some of these ideas are just very girly, and overboard. Im sorry to be critical.
But it made me crazy, and I wanted to express my frustration. I expected a site for ideas that MEN would like. Not that >I< would like...
So, before you go ahead and plan something so pretty, pink, and twilight for your man, ask him what HE thinks. What he HONESTLY thinks about it. See what he says.